Sunday, November 30, 2014

Will's First Soccer Game!

 Will had his first practice and then Saturday game of soccer playing on Aston Villa this September.  Mommy and Daddy were over the moon to see you play for the first time.  I thought it would be chaos but all of the five year olds on the team seemed to know where to go with the ball and things went pretty smoothly! 
And you even got a FEW goals on your first time out! 


  Couldn't be prouder of our little guy!

We decided to sign you up for 2 activities each season and no more because we don't want to risk overscheduling you.  We wanted to ideally have you in one team sport and one individual so we chose soccer and swimming this fall.  You absolutely love soccer, in part I think because both Tye and Matthew are also on your team (your besties).  Swimming is another story.  You largely fight us on our way to the NAC for Riptides.  You say that it's "exhaustin" and that it makes you really tired.  We have insisted that you finish out the season that we've signed you up for.  We are Coopers, not quitters, after all!  I just think that letting you leave the lessons early sends a very bad message about not following through with commitments.  It's not your favourite though and we will move on to BMX in the spring :)

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