Sunday, November 30, 2014

Charlie and Mommy go to the Wiggles!

 I saw that the Wiggles were coming to Vancouver and booked us tickets and hotel right away!  Charlie has always been really into the Wiggles (just like Will) and this was the perfect opportunity to take you to see them live!  I booked the Monday off work and off we went Saturday to Monday to do some fun things in Van!
We stayed at the Sutton Place Hotel on Burrard (as usual) and used the pool each night.  You love the hot tub, much to Mommy's delight ;)

 The show was really loud and chaotic and you mostly sat and stared in disbelief.  I think you were a little overwhelmed but I made it as fun as I could.  You got into it closer to the end.

The next day we went to the Aquarium on our way to the ferry.
Whenever we go to the park you promptly go to the closest dog and try to pat it.  We have taught you to ask the owner if the dog is friendly first and lately you have taken to saying "That doggie so friendly" in order to trick us into letting you pat it.  So as we walked up to this shark tank you said "That shark so friendly."  I told you no, you can't pat the shark...

 Cool shot!

Baby Beluga!

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