Sunday, November 30, 2014

Charlie goes to Gymnastics Class

 This fall Mommy has Thursdays off so I signed us up for a gymnastics class at Flipside and you love it!   Not only do you love it but you are really, really good at it!  We look forward to our Thursday class all week and talk about getting a good nights' sleep on Wednesdays so you can be ready for it, so cute.

 The gymnastics class is so important to you that when we meet people out and about you say "I take gymnastics class.  I listen to my teacher."  It couldn't be more sweet!
And listen to your teacher you do.  As soon as she speaks up and asks for the children to gather back together on the mat I say "Your teacher is asking us to do something.  Are you listening to your teacher?"  You literally run back to the mat and jump to do whatever she asks.  You are going to be one heck of the preschooler next year, teacher's pet!!

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