Sunday, November 30, 2014

Halloween Ninjas!

 This year we went over to Kat and Sean's house for the third year in a row and went trick or treating with them and other friends around the neighbourhood in North Nanaimo.  Charlie was really into it this year and by the end of the evening Mommy and Daddy were standing at the end of the driveway while you ran up to each door.  So fun!

 Will chose a ninja costume this year and Charlie just had to have the same outfit of course.  It's a very common thing in our house right now.  "Just like Will" is a very frequent statement from you, Char!
I know that at a restaurant regardless of what Charlie says he would like from the menu, I order two of what Will orders because as soon as you see what Will has you will not even touch your own food and demand the exact same as Will.

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