Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gingerbread House

 Grandma bought two gingerbread houses for us to build with you guys.  It was super fun for Grandma and I to decorate the houses while you two watched and ate the candy....
Pretty much!

 The final product was indeed tasty!
And still going!

Great Wolf Lodge!

 We went to the Great Wolf Lodge for two nights this weekend to see what it was all about.  We loved it!  The main attraction was the water park but there was so much more!  And there would have been even more had it been summer since there is an outdoor jungle gym with ziplines too that could be used.
We played 3D games as a family, spent time in the arcade and played Magic Quest game with the wands all through the hotel.  It was go go go the entire time and by the time we got home Mommy and Daddy were sick!

 We stayed in a Kid Cabin Suite and you two had your own bunks separate from Mommy and Daddy's space.  It was the second time Char slept in the big boy bed (after our recent trip to Van) and he did very well with it!

 Ribbies are still your fave!

Chris Hadfield

 I was looking into events in and around Seattle for this weekend and saw that Chris Hadfield would be in town at the University bookstore doing a talk and really wanted to go.  We did and actually got to meet him and have a book signed to you boys.  What a thrill!

Chris was bound and determined to get a proper handshake out of Will and had to try a FEW times to get it right.  He wanted you to first, use the proper hand.  Second, get rid of the sleeves that were in the way.  And last to look him in the eye.  Good lessons to learn I think!


 Mommy and Daddy were on call for the last two weeks of October and boy we needed a getaway!  So we took off the Remembrance Day long weekend and made it a five day event across the border.  On the Friday we drove down to Seattle and you both were just great on the drive (it's a long day).
The next day we went to the Seattle Children's Museum in the morning, so fun!

 We built a fort, played with water, designed tubes for rolling balls and explored different cultures.  Oh and we had some very tasty pizza upstairs.


Halloween Ninjas!

 This year we went over to Kat and Sean's house for the third year in a row and went trick or treating with them and other friends around the neighbourhood in North Nanaimo.  Charlie was really into it this year and by the end of the evening Mommy and Daddy were standing at the end of the driveway while you ran up to each door.  So fun!

 Will chose a ninja costume this year and Charlie just had to have the same outfit of course.  It's a very common thing in our house right now.  "Just like Will" is a very frequent statement from you, Char!
I know that at a restaurant regardless of what Charlie says he would like from the menu, I order two of what Will orders because as soon as you see what Will has you will not even touch your own food and demand the exact same as Will.

Charlie and Mommy go to the Wiggles!

 I saw that the Wiggles were coming to Vancouver and booked us tickets and hotel right away!  Charlie has always been really into the Wiggles (just like Will) and this was the perfect opportunity to take you to see them live!  I booked the Monday off work and off we went Saturday to Monday to do some fun things in Van!
We stayed at the Sutton Place Hotel on Burrard (as usual) and used the pool each night.  You love the hot tub, much to Mommy's delight ;)

 The show was really loud and chaotic and you mostly sat and stared in disbelief.  I think you were a little overwhelmed but I made it as fun as I could.  You got into it closer to the end.

The next day we went to the Aquarium on our way to the ferry.
Whenever we go to the park you promptly go to the closest dog and try to pat it.  We have taught you to ask the owner if the dog is friendly first and lately you have taken to saying "That doggie so friendly" in order to trick us into letting you pat it.  So as we walked up to this shark tank you said "That shark so friendly."  I told you no, you can't pat the shark...

 Cool shot!

Baby Beluga!

Will's first race!

 This September Aspengrove hosted a long distance cross country track event and the Kindergarten class participated. It was on my day off so Mommy was there with bells on!
I am so glad I could be there to cheer you on to FIRST PLACE in your class!
You truly amaze us Will Henry Cooper!

 When I saw you come around the corner I was blown away.  The second place person was not even visible at that point.  You run like the wind!

 Too amazing!

 Sitting after the race and cheering on your peers.  Goofing off with Tye on the monkey bars after class:

Charlie goes to Gymnastics Class

 This fall Mommy has Thursdays off so I signed us up for a gymnastics class at Flipside and you love it!   Not only do you love it but you are really, really good at it!  We look forward to our Thursday class all week and talk about getting a good nights' sleep on Wednesdays so you can be ready for it, so cute.

 The gymnastics class is so important to you that when we meet people out and about you say "I take gymnastics class.  I listen to my teacher."  It couldn't be more sweet!
And listen to your teacher you do.  As soon as she speaks up and asks for the children to gather back together on the mat I say "Your teacher is asking us to do something.  Are you listening to your teacher?"  You literally run back to the mat and jump to do whatever she asks.  You are going to be one heck of the preschooler next year, teacher's pet!!

Will's First Soccer Game!

 Will had his first practice and then Saturday game of soccer playing on Aston Villa this September.  Mommy and Daddy were over the moon to see you play for the first time.  I thought it would be chaos but all of the five year olds on the team seemed to know where to go with the ball and things went pretty smoothly! 
And you even got a FEW goals on your first time out! 


  Couldn't be prouder of our little guy!

We decided to sign you up for 2 activities each season and no more because we don't want to risk overscheduling you.  We wanted to ideally have you in one team sport and one individual so we chose soccer and swimming this fall.  You absolutely love soccer, in part I think because both Tye and Matthew are also on your team (your besties).  Swimming is another story.  You largely fight us on our way to the NAC for Riptides.  You say that it's "exhaustin" and that it makes you really tired.  We have insisted that you finish out the season that we've signed you up for.  We are Coopers, not quitters, after all!  I just think that letting you leave the lessons early sends a very bad message about not following through with commitments.  It's not your favourite though and we will move on to BMX in the spring :)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Will's First Day of Kindergarten!

 I can't believe our baby is headed off to Kindergarten!
What a big boy!

 Signing in on the first day.  Like a real little student.

 So proud of our little man!

The Arcade Fire

 I've always wanted to see a show at the Gorge outside of Seattle and this August we had the chance!  The Arcade Fire (one of Mommy and Daddy's favourite bands) played there this summer.  It was fantastic!
A big shout out to Grandma and Papa who stayed with you both ;)

 Winn and of course, Regine!