Thursday, August 23, 2012

Charlie at 10 weeks

 You are a dream baby.  We say this because the only basis for comparison that we have was Will and he was a really difficult baby and we always knew it.  Will cried and cried, if he was awake he cried.  Sometimes I thought that he would start screaming before his eyes even popped open.
You are so easy and tend to sleep about 20 hours a day even now...and when you are awake you are so calm that I sometimes look down at you in your seat and you're awake and looking around and I wonder how long you've been up for.  Just happily watching us and surverying the kitchen...

Your big brother Will calls you Charlie but has a hard time with your full name calling you Charloz.  Lately we've taken to calling you just that which we find quite funny.  

You are definitely cooing more lately and we love hearing those "ooh"s and "ahh"s.  

Last night we shared a very sweet moment.  I love your smiles so much!

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