Thursday, August 23, 2012

Our first weekend at the cottage!

 We have been dying to get into the cottage for quite some time but the renovations dragged on and on.  Finally this weekend we got running water and the kitchen is fully in and so we spent 3 glorious nights there in the blazing heat!  Mommy and Charles spent our time on the dock in the shade watching Daddy and Will play on the dock and it was so much fun for all! Daddy did all sorts of tricks into the water and Will was a daredevil as usual running and jumping into the lake.  When our friends see photos of Will in midair launching into the water they ask if it's been photoshopped.  I assure them it hasn't.  Most kids at three wouldn't dare jump into the water let alone with gusto!
What you WERE hesitant about was sharks in the water...we explained to you that there are no sharks in the lake, that they only swim in the ocean where there is salt water and this is fresh.  You grasped it for sure but you asked about a million times nonetheless....
This is your first jump into Sproat EVER!

You liked it!!

Daddy had fun too!  
He does so many fun tricks!


Great shot!

The Martin Mars water bomber even made an appearance for us:
 Mommy and Will had some fun together too!  Mommy took her first dip in the water too:

After all that we did this summer to make the cottage a reality, spending our maternity leave savings, painting a day before a C-section, long weekends of hard work and countless reno blunders that had to the end of this day I heard Will in the shower ask Daddy "Can we stay at the cottage longer?"  ...and it was all worth it.

We are going to have so much fun here!

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