Thursday, August 23, 2012

VIEX 2012

 As we know, last year at the VIEX didn't work out well...Will was deathly afraid to go on any of the rides and we ended up leaving without having gone on a single one!  This was quite shocking to us given your love of high-octane activities.  Ah well, we gave it another shot....

We started out at the KidZone where they had a bunch of stations set up to learn about farming etc.  Of course you were drawn to the filthiest, dirtiest station where you are meant to dig for some produce.  You were quite proficient at scooping out potatoes and pulling the carrots.  I had to wrangle you into putting them back as you wanted to take tham home and "make a salad for dinner" although you would sooner stick needles in your eyes than actually eat salad....
Then there was milking:

Next we moved on to a train ride which was within the KidZone and you said you wanted to go on that.  I explained that Mommy couldn't go on that one with you, I'm too big and you were good with it.  However, when it came time to get onto the ride it was just the same as last year and you backed out at the last second!  When we started to walk away you cried and cried that you wanted to go on, just like last year.  So back we went and waited for another chance and when it was time to get on you refused, crying again!  Talk about frustrating...
Then we found a ride that we could both go on and you were just fine with that.  We took the Merry Go Round first and Mommy sat beside you for that and then we took the Ferris Wheel (Mommy was silently freaked out).  You loved it!
Then I figured out the key: Charlotte.  This little girl who sat with us on the Ferris Wheel with us took you on the next ride with her.  You just needed a pal to go on with!  (Mommy was too big for most rides).

 You and Charlotte on the helicopters: 

 Then we found Connor at the spaceships: 

And after that you went on everything on your own!  Voila!

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