Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Will's First Day of Junior Kindergarten!

 I know that everyone says this but I really can't believe you are in JK3 this year!  Where did the time go??
It is even more startling to me how grown up you look in your little uniform.  Like a real little man!
 On September 7th, the first Tuesday of September Mommy and Daddy both took you in to Aspengrove to be there for your very first day and to walk you in together.  It was an easy transition really since you had been at the school for a year and a half now and are familiar with the teachers and rooms.  But you still knew that something was different, that this day was special.  I suppose you picked up on our excitement and were a little apprehensive when we dropped you off but you did just fine once we left as they always tell us.

 My little man!
 After dropping you off Mommy went and did a few errands and then came back to the school to be there for your first day whole school assembly.  I was so excited to watch you walk into the gym with your classmates looking so big.  You sat with you friends right at the front for a little while but soon couldn't stand it any longer and came to stand with me.  The teachers had said this was ok so we went with it. 
Mrs Fitzgerald made a short speech and part of it was to welcome all the new kids and parents to the school.  There were such rounds of applause for us and such a wonderful spirit from all of the faculty and parents alike, it was very heart warming and welcoming.
You were assigned you school house at the assembly, we are Arbutus House!  Charlie will also be in this house and we will all do our best over the years to rack up as many points as possible!  Oh and Finn is also in Arbutus which is perfect since you two seem to be best buds at school :)
Happy first day of school big boy!  You made me so proud and I know it will be only one event of many!

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