Monday, December 20, 2010

Your little plastic shopping cart

You have a strange obsession with shopping carts. When we go grocery shopping you are very interested in sitting in the cart, or pushing the cart with mommy, and if a better cart comes along (aka a car themed one etc) you quite boldly "suggest" that we trade carts, which we often do...
Shopping with you is quite an experience.
Whenever we go to a toy store you gravitate to carts, or maybe it's just things with wheels that you like. Lately, there is a clear interest in anything transportation.
So Grandma and I couldn't leave Toys-R-Us without this little cart and you pushed it through the mall on our way out. Now you push it around the house, and lately you've been trying to sit in it. You try to sit in lots of things, even your little cars and trucks. That is very interesting to watch ;)
So this is you, at 20 months, sitting in your little cart. XO!

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