Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Puerto Vallarta November 2010

Last week we went to Puerto Vallarta (again!). We stayed at the Royal Decameron which was less than impressive. Let's just say we won't be back to that resort and Daddy had a very sore back from the rock hard mattress all week :(
You had fun, but we spent too much time chasing after you! You are such a handful as it is, and that week we had a pool to contend with and all sorts of other safety issues so we really had to keep a close eye on you!!!
I kind of thought you would prefer the pool but the water was quite cold, I don't think it was heated at all. I couldn't blame you, it was cold for us too!
We took you to the beach and for the first little while you couldn't get over the sand that was on your hands. You kept saying "deaty" so we would wash your hands off. I'm not sure where you got this clean freakishness from but it is quite funny.

You spent a little bit of time in the pool with Daddy and I when it got really hot. We would carry you around or put you into this little floaty tube. You didn't like either very much though. It wasn't long before you were saying "ow." (Out).
This was the cutest! We found a sprinkler on one of the lawns after breakfast one day and you had a ball with it. It was the most light, misty spray in just the first hours of the morning with the hot sun starting to come on. You ran into it and away from it and screamed with glee every time. It was precious. Pretty soon you were drenched and we took you back to the room to change you.

With mommy and daddy by the pool:

There was a large chess set there where you spent a lot of time. You liked rearranging the pieces and carrying them into the pool area (while we chased you) and most of all you loved the horses which you would snuggle and kiss. Really. It was adorable.
Sometimes mommy even got a snuggle. Albeit for just a moment...

You and daddy having a look at the beach:

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