Monday, December 20, 2010

Our move to Nanoose Bay

You and I on moving day, just hours before we left Malibu Terrace for the last time. We spent just over 3 years here and this was your first house, so it has a special place in our hearts, but it was time to move on. Shetland is perfect for us right now. We love it!
We were a little bit worried about you adjusting to the new house but you have been just fine with it. Even though the day we took possession we went to the house and 2 lots away were a collection of heavy machinery just chipping away....we had a fit! While they were blasting rock our house shook and they were really going at it during your 12-3 daily nap, ugh!
But you have been a sleep champ as usual, it didn't seem to phase you a bit.

We out up our puny little Christmas tree that we bought at the townhouse in Victoria and it just looks so ridiculous here but we had way too much on our plates to upgrade it this year! Next year we'll have a stunner :)

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