Saturday, November 19, 2016


 At the end of July we bid Charlie and Dad farewell and took off on our newest and biggest adventure yet: Tokyo!  I thought it was a very cool and safe place for us to go together and there are so many kid-friendly things to do there too.  We read many books on Japan leading up to our trip and even learned some words from books and youtube.  
We were ready!
You did great on the flights.

 We were exhausted by the time we arrived but the view was worth it!

 On our very first day in Tokyo we went to see the Yomiuri Giants play and the Tokyo Dome.  They were playing the Yakult Swallows and I had bought tickets beforehand online that happened to be in the visitors section.  I vaguely wondered if they were going to be sticklers about it but everyone told me not to worry.  We got all decked out in Giants gear, jerseys and hats and on our way to our seats they literally stopped us!  They wouldn't let us sit in the Swallows section dressed as we were and kept asking us who we were fans of??  I kept saying, we don't really know who to cheer for we are just visiting etc but they were adamant.  In the end the found us new seats right in the front row!

 Once we got settled we had a blast and the people beside us gave Will a towel to twirl when we got a run and everything.  Very fun!

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