Saturday, November 19, 2016

JK4 and Grade 2?!

 I can't believe we have a JK4 and a Grade 2!  Where has the time gone?
Look at these handsome boys!

 You were both as comfortable as can be on your first day at school.  There was nothing to dropping you both off, you settled right in.  There was no sign of being anxious about a thing, you were both right at home in the classrooms.
How can you be growing up so fast??
Actually, Charlie you have become fiercely independent this year at school.  I suppose you see Will walking up to the big school on his own and want to be just like him.  So you often say "I'm walking in by myself." when we arrive at school and will literally stand in the doorway and hold out your hand preventing us from stepping inside.  We try to explain to you that we have to sign you in and you won't hear of it.  So sometimes we let you walk in on your own and watch through the glass.  You walk with you backpack to your cubby saying "Hi Aidan." on the way, hand up your bag and coat and walk in to class.  Just like a little CEO. 
This is all while other children are clinging to their parents' legs and crying btw.  You are just incredible and confident.  We love you so much Charlie.

 Hope you'll have the best year ever Will!

 Go Arbutus!

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