Friday, April 15, 2016

Spring Break 2016 in Nanaimo with Grandma!

 While Mom and Dad were away in Seattle you had lots of fun with Grandma and Lia.  Grandma even went on a school trip with Charlie and did an Easter Egg hunt!  We got you so excited about the class trip telling you you would take the school bus and it would be so much fun.  Grandma said that when you both got on the bus you turned to Grandma and said "Can you believe we're on a bus Grandma?!"  Doll!
You and Will ready for some play at the park in the new jackets Grandma bought you both:

 A playdate with Matthew to work on Minecraft:

 Grandma took you to the library:

 The park:

 More from your class trip for the egg hunt.  Look how proud!

 Got one!

 On the class trip, how adorable is this??

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