Friday, April 15, 2016

Oh my BMX has begun!

 Such a cute photo of you boys looking on.  That's Jace, Layton, Char, Tye and Will.  Charlie and Layton have a special love for eachother!
This first day of the season was a very significant one for you Will.  You had nine Novice wins going into the season and just needed one more to advance into Intermediate.  Since you were still six on the first day of the season you absolutely crushed the competition.  It was literally like you were in the race alone, you won by a country mile.  So you advances into Intermediate with that but that meant TWO things.  The second race day of the season you raced against seven year old that are Intermediate.  It was a double whammy.  We prepared you for the worst since we wanted to temper your disappointment.  You understood this, but nonetheless on the race day before we left the house and I was dressing you, you said "I feel really good about today."  I said OK buddy, I just don't want you to be surprised if you come in last.  Some of the boys would be almost eight after all!
My heart was pounding when you went to race and you fought hard and finished second the first two races, I was shocked!!  You are definitely in the right group now and at least have some competition.  
In the main you had a big wipe out, with abrasions all down your right side. That was really scary and we've been dressing the scrapes all week and they are healing nicely.  Mom went to the VI Honda store this week and bought you all the body armour I could find to get you the best protection possible a result.  You love it and I hope it won't slow you down.  I'll feel so much better with you wearing it all!

 Taken from the Nanaimo BMX website.  Congrats Will!

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