Monday, April 4, 2016

IVF update

We have been eagerly anticipating news for a week now and we finally got it today.  We had seven normally fertilized eggs that were biopsied and frozen at the five day blastocyst stage.  Of the seven, 2 were abnormal, 4 boys and 1 girl.
We are having mixed emotions right now.  First, we are excited because we have a shot at this.  And we are also disappointed since we just have the one shot.  According to the clinic, chances of a successful transfer are high and the grade of the female embryo is very good (5BB) but there is still just this one, with no back up plan.  
It is hard to comprehend how we worked so hard and jumped through all the hoops and things were always looking so good and the doctor was ecstatic with a "Twenty-three!" and that twenty-three culminated in ONE.
Anyhow, we know all we need is one.  And perhaps it will still work out, we are just feeling very sad.  The chances of getting 23 again are very slim and we will likely not go through it again at our age.  So this is it.
We are looking at August 28th as a possible transfer date with so much more work to do before then.  We won't know until September, and in a way I feel like our lives are on hold until then.
I guess only time will tell.  Until then I am hoping to have a super fun summer with my boys.  I will try with all my might not to dwell on it until then.  It's out of our hands...

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