Friday, April 15, 2016

Oh my BMX has begun!

 Such a cute photo of you boys looking on.  That's Jace, Layton, Char, Tye and Will.  Charlie and Layton have a special love for eachother!
This first day of the season was a very significant one for you Will.  You had nine Novice wins going into the season and just needed one more to advance into Intermediate.  Since you were still six on the first day of the season you absolutely crushed the competition.  It was literally like you were in the race alone, you won by a country mile.  So you advances into Intermediate with that but that meant TWO things.  The second race day of the season you raced against seven year old that are Intermediate.  It was a double whammy.  We prepared you for the worst since we wanted to temper your disappointment.  You understood this, but nonetheless on the race day before we left the house and I was dressing you, you said "I feel really good about today."  I said OK buddy, I just don't want you to be surprised if you come in last.  Some of the boys would be almost eight after all!
My heart was pounding when you went to race and you fought hard and finished second the first two races, I was shocked!!  You are definitely in the right group now and at least have some competition.  
In the main you had a big wipe out, with abrasions all down your right side. That was really scary and we've been dressing the scrapes all week and they are healing nicely.  Mom went to the VI Honda store this week and bought you all the body armour I could find to get you the best protection possible a result.  You love it and I hope it won't slow you down.  I'll feel so much better with you wearing it all!

 Taken from the Nanaimo BMX website.  Congrats Will!

Will turns Seven!

Your birthday fell on a Tuesday this year.  With your party this year we celebrated with a family dinner on the actual day.
Make big wishes babe.  We love you!

Will's Birthday Sleepover

 This year we asked you what you wanted to do for your Birthday since it was your year to have a party.  What you really wanted was to have a sleepover with your two best buds Matthew and Tye.  They were able to make the date we suggested so we did it!  We did a Star Wars them since you're all really into that right now.  The pinata was a BIG hit!

 Also, the game Pie Face (graciously provided by Sarah and Rob) was also a HUGE hit.

 Of course, we had a life sized inflated Storm Trooper.

 And a Star Wars cake!
You were all good for the most part, Mom and Dad were happy too!

A couple of things lately

 You performed in the choir at assembly and Grandma was able to go and watch you.  You sang little birch tree, a Russian folk song, and boy did we practice!
And this photo is to prove that you two really do love eachother...

Easter Sunday

 On Easter Sunday the bunny came and hid chocolate Easter eggs all around the house!  You two searched high and low for them and were very proficient!

 Then the eating commenced...

 We had the Mahons over for dinner and made a delicious ham.  It was fun!

 Us four:

Spring Break 2016 in Nanaimo with Grandma!

 While Mom and Dad were away in Seattle you had lots of fun with Grandma and Lia.  Grandma even went on a school trip with Charlie and did an Easter Egg hunt!  We got you so excited about the class trip telling you you would take the school bus and it would be so much fun.  Grandma said that when you both got on the bus you turned to Grandma and said "Can you believe we're on a bus Grandma?!"  Doll!
You and Will ready for some play at the park in the new jackets Grandma bought you both:

 A playdate with Matthew to work on Minecraft:

 Grandma took you to the library:

 The park:

 More from your class trip for the egg hunt.  Look how proud!

 Got one!

 On the class trip, how adorable is this??

Monday, April 4, 2016

IVF update

We have been eagerly anticipating news for a week now and we finally got it today.  We had seven normally fertilized eggs that were biopsied and frozen at the five day blastocyst stage.  Of the seven, 2 were abnormal, 4 boys and 1 girl.
We are having mixed emotions right now.  First, we are excited because we have a shot at this.  And we are also disappointed since we just have the one shot.  According to the clinic, chances of a successful transfer are high and the grade of the female embryo is very good (5BB) but there is still just this one, with no back up plan.  
It is hard to comprehend how we worked so hard and jumped through all the hoops and things were always looking so good and the doctor was ecstatic with a "Twenty-three!" and that twenty-three culminated in ONE.
Anyhow, we know all we need is one.  And perhaps it will still work out, we are just feeling very sad.  The chances of getting 23 again are very slim and we will likely not go through it again at our age.  So this is it.
We are looking at August 28th as a possible transfer date with so much more work to do before then.  We won't know until September, and in a way I feel like our lives are on hold until then.
I guess only time will tell.  Until then I am hoping to have a super fun summer with my boys.  I will try with all my might not to dwell on it until then.  It's out of our hands...