Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A funny Charlie story

The other night we were out for dinner and Will was testing the boundaries of dirty words (very popular lately).  He was saying "crap" and some other low level not-nice words and we were going over how they aren't nice to say.
Charlie turned to me and said "I know the O word."  I said "O word?  Which one is that?"
You gestured that I should lean in and then whispered in my ear "Oh my gosh."
Oh I wish these days of innocence would last forever!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

JK4 and Grade 2?!

 I can't believe we have a JK4 and a Grade 2!  Where has the time gone?
Look at these handsome boys!

 You were both as comfortable as can be on your first day at school.  There was nothing to dropping you both off, you settled right in.  There was no sign of being anxious about a thing, you were both right at home in the classrooms.
How can you be growing up so fast??
Actually, Charlie you have become fiercely independent this year at school.  I suppose you see Will walking up to the big school on his own and want to be just like him.  So you often say "I'm walking in by myself." when we arrive at school and will literally stand in the doorway and hold out your hand preventing us from stepping inside.  We try to explain to you that we have to sign you in and you won't hear of it.  So sometimes we let you walk in on your own and watch through the glass.  You walk with you backpack to your cubby saying "Hi Aidan." on the way, hand up your bag and coat and walk in to class.  Just like a little CEO. 
This is all while other children are clinging to their parents' legs and crying btw.  You are just incredible and confident.  We love you so much Charlie.

 Hope you'll have the best year ever Will!

 Go Arbutus!

The summer draws to a close

 Footloose was playing at the Chemainus Theatre and we had four tickets to share!  Grandma and Grandpa were in town and it was a good show!  We went for lunch before the show at the Willow Street Cafe, always fun.
This is from one of our last weekends on the dock:

More summer fun

 Dad and Will taking off for a paddle.

Charlie, my little darling, picked a flower for me :)

 Wrestling on the dock:

 Too funny not to include (Mom get bleaching):

More cottage fun

 Since Matthew's family took you to Mudge this year, we took Matthew to the cottage for the weekend.  Tye joined us too!  We had so much fun with you guys tubing and hot dogging, swimming and kayaking.  The cottage is a total boys' paradise too.
Go Char!



 Dinner at J and L.

The Snowbirds

 The Snowbirds did a free show in Departure Bay this summer and it was awesome!
Dad met up with us after work and we watched together.  What a neat sight!

Rock Climbing at the Monkey Room

 I signed Will up for a week's worth of Rock Climbing camp at the Monkey Room.  When I went in to drop you off though of course Charlie was very interested as well.  When I inquired they could do a one on one class with you Charlie and so I signed you up as well!
You were both naturals, of course.

 Look at that face!  Is there anything you can't do?

What a trip!

 Subway, schmubway, that ain't no thing!
We went to the fish market on our last day in Tokyo.  Dad and I had been the last time we were here and it is a must-see.  It was so hot that day we were just scorching.  Literally the sweat was just dripping off of us, gross!

 We had so much fun!
What an epic trip Will.  One we will never forget :)

Tokyo Disney

 When it was time to make the trek back to the parks we were old hats at the directions.  Tokyo Disney was sooo much fun and scorching out!  One thing that everyone had that was new were these little towels everyone work over their shoulders for the water rides.  We bought a couple, I got Minnie and you got Beymax.  They were super cute and practical too!

 Space Mountain:



 Look who was in town while we were there!  We caught up with Selena on her world tour and sang along with her, we knew every word off her latest album Revival!

 Will's first concert!

A day of wandering

 One day we wandered around Tokyo and had a look at things.  I love those days best where you just follow your nose.  They often turn out to be the best ones in retrospect.
We walked into a little restaurant and tried to order lunch but they directed us back outside to this machine.  There were photographs and sometimes little models of the foods and you choose what you would like from this vending machine!  You pay out there too and the chef inside makes it!

 Just a good old plank in Tokyo.

 Watching the train conductor.  By the end of the trip we were pros at the subway system, one of the most complicated in the world!