Monday, May 18, 2015

We went to Disneyland for Will's 6th!

The way we came to have a trip to Disney is a bit of a long story.  See, Grandma came to visit us this March and it was our intention to send you boys back with her for a week.  She had so many fun things planned for you both.  Then I would go back for a weekend and pick you up, bringing you back home.  But then Great-Grandpa had a bout in the hospital and picked up C Diff which is contagious.  After a little research and thought we decided it was just too risky to send you back to Oakville.  But we had these flights that would go to Grandma and I decided to change them to LA!
You were both super excited, and the adults were too!

This was the most fun.  We waited to see Lightening McQueen and he and Charlie had the best conversation!  When we walked up he said "Look who came to visit?!"  and Char said "Kachow!" and Lightening said "COOL!" and "Kachow!" back.  It was awesome!

 Such a fun time at the Midway.

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