Tuesday, May 19, 2015


 We have discovered BMX and I think it's here to stay!  Charlie rides his strider bike and is very good at it!  Will has been steadily improving and this very last weekend he finished first in his moto of 6 year old novice!  Will and Dad even went to a father/son clinic Friday night and went over techniques.
Charlie routinely finishes first in his moto.  Way to go Coopers!
Mommy is yelling her head off at the sidelines of course :)

 Look at you go!

 Will took a spill last week by hitting another rider's tire.  The riders are so close to one another, apparently it happens all the time but it is hard to watch.
Poor guy, you had a very big abrasion for sure.  But you toughed it out as always.  First of many I suspect although we've definitely got you in elbow and knee pads now.

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