Tuesday, May 19, 2015

We moved!

 We took possession of 6942 on December 15, 2014 and have spent the last 6 months fixing it up to make it liveable.  For the last few months every spare second and day off that dad or I had we spent building shelving, painting, installing or doing myriad things at the new house to get it ready for us.  It has been a very stressful time but we made it.
On Saturday, May 2 2015 we got our little crew together, rented a van and made the move!  It wasn't a huge move, we left Nanoose pretty much staged for selling and besides we can't fit much in here anyways, haha!
You two are sharing a room now for the first time (besides summers at the cottage).  You both seem to be looking forward to this.

 Charlie, this was your very first night sleeping in a big boy bed.  First time ever!
You are obsessed with diapers right now.  Everywhere we go you ask people if their baby is wearing a diaper.  Sometimes you just pull the back of their pants out and check yourself...
When they inevitably answer that, yes their baby is wearing a diaper you proudly announce that you are not wearing a diaper!
So we have diapered your stuffies (all three bunnies and a soft white puppy) and you literally will not sleep unless they are properly diapered.  Sometimes if Mommy or Will are upset you will lend us a diapered stuffy to make us feel better.
Anyways, this explains the diapered bunny in your arms:

 Our first morning in the house having breakfast.  A crazy experience as always.

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