Friday, May 22, 2015

More BMX

We are in so much trouble.  Lately you both live and die for BMX...
 So cute!
Char you blow us away!  Last Wednesday race night you were matched up with all three year olds, about 6 of them, and you were the only two year old.  You won!  THREE times!!  You are truly amazing!!

 Charlie and his new Track BFF Jamie Bell.  You held hands while you waited in line for your stickers :)

 Rebel without a cause.
Sometimes you will insist on wearing your racing gloves out and about...

Stuff from Spring 2015

 Oh look you two really do love eachother!  With the amount of discord between the two of you lately I have to remind myself...
But I always have snuggle for you:

 Well it is in your blood:

 Thanks for thinking of Will on his birthday Great-Grandma, Great-Grandpa and Papa!

Soccer and Playdates with Tye

 Last week I picked up Tye at noon for a Wednesday afternoon playdate and managed to take you three out for lunch and a play at the park, gasp!
Rootbeer floats were all the rage, we broke the rules a little today...

 Char can sure kick the ball around with the 5 year olds like a pro!
Wait till they see what he can do when we sign you up eventually!  There were no programs that could take you this year since you weren't three at the very start :(.  I called and spoke to people at every level and no one would bend on it.
You will blow them away next year!

 Will's Timbits team

Big work at the Treehouse

 Papa flew out to help us out at the Treehouse for 2 weeks.  He is so handy and helped us finish a lot of projects that we needed to get done prior to moving out.  Thank you Papa!
We may be sleeping in a dormer...but the view sure is nice.
We will survive this!

 Charlie exploring the new yard

 Poor Papa spent his 70th birthday AND his anniversary here with us.  Poor Papa!
At least we took him out for a lovely breakfast :)

 On one of our last days in Nanoose we hiked the Notch. 

 What a lovely way to say goodbye to the area where both of you grew up for four years.
Onward and upward!

More Disneyland

 We left on a Wednesday and came home on a Sunday.  The three day park hopper was perfect!
You were amazing on the flights down to LA, no problems whatsoever.
This is us in Van waiting for our flight to LA!

 Amazing duel!

 Outside California Adventure Park on day one!

 Waiting for the Finding Nemo submarine:

 Pure joy on the teacups:

 Our bedroom was so beautiful at the Disneyland Hotel.  Especially the wall behind our beds that glowed with fireworks :)

 Mommy might have had a little fun too...

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mother's Day

 My first Mother's Day at the Treehouse!
We went to Tigh Na Mara for brunch and it was such a spread.  We were stuffed!
But my favourite part was taking these lovely pictures with my lovelies.

 To the best boys in the whole wide world.  XXXXX

Tee Ball

 Tuesdays and Fridays we do Tee Ball down the street from the office at Merle Logan Field.  Will was especially into it since Tye was also signed up.  Ben is also on the team and when we go Charlie and Annabelle play on the sidelines!  You are both so cute and will be classmates soon.  Charlie has said "Annabelle is my friend."  SO cute!
High fives!

 Will running the bases super fast!

 The two besties

We moved!

 We took possession of 6942 on December 15, 2014 and have spent the last 6 months fixing it up to make it liveable.  For the last few months every spare second and day off that dad or I had we spent building shelving, painting, installing or doing myriad things at the new house to get it ready for us.  It has been a very stressful time but we made it.
On Saturday, May 2 2015 we got our little crew together, rented a van and made the move!  It wasn't a huge move, we left Nanoose pretty much staged for selling and besides we can't fit much in here anyways, haha!
You two are sharing a room now for the first time (besides summers at the cottage).  You both seem to be looking forward to this.

 Charlie, this was your very first night sleeping in a big boy bed.  First time ever!
You are obsessed with diapers right now.  Everywhere we go you ask people if their baby is wearing a diaper.  Sometimes you just pull the back of their pants out and check yourself...
When they inevitably answer that, yes their baby is wearing a diaper you proudly announce that you are not wearing a diaper!
So we have diapered your stuffies (all three bunnies and a soft white puppy) and you literally will not sleep unless they are properly diapered.  Sometimes if Mommy or Will are upset you will lend us a diapered stuffy to make us feel better.
Anyways, this explains the diapered bunny in your arms:

 Our first morning in the house having breakfast.  A crazy experience as always.


 We have discovered BMX and I think it's here to stay!  Charlie rides his strider bike and is very good at it!  Will has been steadily improving and this very last weekend he finished first in his moto of 6 year old novice!  Will and Dad even went to a father/son clinic Friday night and went over techniques.
Charlie routinely finishes first in his moto.  Way to go Coopers!
Mommy is yelling her head off at the sidelines of course :)

 Look at you go!

 Will took a spill last week by hitting another rider's tire.  The riders are so close to one another, apparently it happens all the time but it is hard to watch.
Poor guy, you had a very big abrasion for sure.  But you toughed it out as always.  First of many I suspect although we've definitely got you in elbow and knee pads now.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Will is SIX

 I can't believe my baby boy is SIX!

 Of course, the trip was your main gift but we got you a couple of small things to open.  I suction cup bow and arrow, and a Darth Vader tee and one for Dad.

 Make a wish my sweetheart XXXX