Monday, March 3, 2014

Sea Turtles!

 One day we were walking along the beach and noticed a crowd of people and lots of activity.  We wandered over and saw that baby sea turtles were making their way out of a hole in the sand and heading for the waves.  A flock of birds were swarming overhead and we realized that they were looking for their lunch!  We tried to shoo the birds away and finally a rep from the resort came with a big bucket and scooped the little guys up, there were about 100 of them!
That night at 6pm we met at the sanctuary for a little talk about the turtles and to release them safely.  Apparently the most treacherous part of their journey is actually from their hole where they hatch to the water line.  I could see why!

 We spent a few minutes with our little friends.

Then we let them go!
Good luck little guys and girls!

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