Tuesday, March 4, 2014

More of February

 Talk about falling asleep on the job!  Charlie, you are such a relaxed little boy.  You love to sleep in the car.  We play a little game where I try to keep you awake until we get home for a proper nap so I'm calling your name when your eyes close and I can see a little smile creep up on your lips, bug!
Will is infatuated with gymnastics right now.  You are taking gymnastics at Flipside with your school on Thursdays right now until Spring Break and after that I will sign you up for classes to keep up the momentum.  You are obsessed with handstands and walkovers and bridges right now.  We practice in the hall every night before bed and when we say it's time to tuck you in you cry because you want to practice more!!

 We spent a weekend at Mount Washington with the Tremblays, so much fun for the boys!

 A weekend in Van and a very nice police man!

 Will loves meatloaf!

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