Monday, March 3, 2014

Nanoose Christmas

 We had explained to Will that Canadian Christmas was to happen on the our first day back in Canada and that Santa would be flying and delivering presents on the very same night as our flight home.  We watched out the window of the plane to see if we could spot Santa's sleigh and wouldn't you know it we did see a red light way out in the distance that was Rudolph's nose!  
We flew home on a 7pm flight and arrived in Comox close to midnight.  The boys both slept on the way home thankfully and we got in the door around 2am.  Then Daddy and I set about labeling presents, puttinf presents out and leaving cookies and milk for Santa and his reindeer until 4am.....
Parents of the year!

 Much joy was had by all!

 Another bunny!
Now Cha has TEW!  TEW!

 Mommy got spoiled too!

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