Tuesday, March 4, 2014


 Nanaimo got dumped on this week so we made sure to get you guys outside since it never lasts long!  We made a beautiful snowman called Frosty who had lots of Canadian spirit for the Olympics and Charlie just loved.

 Eventually "Frossie" "Fa down" and we agreed and said yes Frosty fell down.  The Charlie would turn and bury his head into our shoulders and say "sad" like he couldn't bear it!  So sad!

 Olivia's 5th Birthday Party at Nanaimo Gymnastics!

 Big hugs with Mommy.


 This was such a fun show and such a thrill for us to actually meet and chat with Raffi!
I think it was just as much fun for Mommy who also grew up with Raffi's music!

Starbucks with Grandma and more of what we're up to

 Some mornings Charlie and Grandma head to Starbucks for breakfast after dropping Will off at school.  It's such a fun tradition that everyone knows Chuckie by now and he loves the breakfast sandwiches too!

No texting and driving!

 Cute shot after a day at the mountain!

 Loves it!

More of February

 Talk about falling asleep on the job!  Charlie, you are such a relaxed little boy.  You love to sleep in the car.  We play a little game where I try to keep you awake until we get home for a proper nap so I'm calling your name when your eyes close and I can see a little smile creep up on your lips, bug!
Will is infatuated with gymnastics right now.  You are taking gymnastics at Flipside with your school on Thursdays right now until Spring Break and after that I will sign you up for classes to keep up the momentum.  You are obsessed with handstands and walkovers and bridges right now.  We practice in the hall every night before bed and when we say it's time to tuck you in you cry because you want to practice more!!

 We spent a weekend at Mount Washington with the Tremblays, so much fun for the boys!

 A weekend in Van and a very nice police man!

 Will loves meatloaf!

February Fun

 Grandma came to see us for February this year and it's so fun to have her!  Will and Grandma are going back to Ontario together for March break and will have a fun week until the three of us come to Oakville too.
 Such a cute craft for Valentine's Day!
 Daddy loaded up on flowers for us girls!

 Who says boys don't love spa day?
Pedis next!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Nanoose Christmas

 We had explained to Will that Canadian Christmas was to happen on the our first day back in Canada and that Santa would be flying and delivering presents on the very same night as our flight home.  We watched out the window of the plane to see if we could spot Santa's sleigh and wouldn't you know it we did see a red light way out in the distance that was Rudolph's nose!  
We flew home on a 7pm flight and arrived in Comox close to midnight.  The boys both slept on the way home thankfully and we got in the door around 2am.  Then Daddy and I set about labeling presents, puttinf presents out and leaving cookies and milk for Santa and his reindeer until 4am.....
Parents of the year!

 Much joy was had by all!

 Another bunny!
Now Cha has TEW!  TEW!

 Mommy got spoiled too!

The last dinner

 On our last night in Mexico we went to an asian restaurant and had the Peking duck, yum! They brought it to the table and carved it for us to see and showed us the traditional way to eat the first bit in wraps and then to eat the remainder in a stirfry.  It was delicious!

 Even our non-eater ate up!

 Us four :)

NYE 2014 with my little man

 Will and Mommy all dressed and somewhere to go!

 Still freaky....we just went with it.

 Happy New Year!  It was fun!  There were shows with dancing and juggling and contortionists that Will loved.  We even did some dancing ourselves and made some local friends at out table.


Sea Turtles!

 One day we were walking along the beach and noticed a crowd of people and lots of activity.  We wandered over and saw that baby sea turtles were making their way out of a hole in the sand and heading for the waves.  A flock of birds were swarming overhead and we realized that they were looking for their lunch!  We tried to shoo the birds away and finally a rep from the resort came with a big bucket and scooped the little guys up, there were about 100 of them!
That night at 6pm we met at the sanctuary for a little talk about the turtles and to release them safely.  Apparently the most treacherous part of their journey is actually from their hole where they hatch to the water line.  I could see why!

 We spent a few minutes with our little friends.

Then we let them go!
Good luck little guys and girls!

More vacay fun

 Will loved the nachos and guac at Tacos Break.
Us four in the main pool.

 Under water Will!  What a cool guy.

Tacos Break

 The four of us on Christmas day, best way to spend Christmas ever!

 Chuckie jumps!  We have two daredevils!

 About every other night we would make our way to Tacos Break, a casual restaurant near the entrance of the resort.  One night Daddy ordered a dish with habeneros in it and almost died.  The waitor was quite perplexed about this reaction saying that he ate them all the time and being and all shouldn't be potent...
Poor Daddy spent half the meal crying and in the bathroom.  No more hot peppers for him!