Saturday, September 14, 2013

VIEX 2013

 We went to the VIEX again this year (Daddy and I have been going since before we had children funnily enough).  It was lots of fun for you guys and will continue to be in the future I'm sure.  We ran into everyone we knew there of course (the Sansalones were there on day three of their three day pass-now that's commitment!).  
Charlie really enjoyed plucking the low-hangers from the wooden trees!  I mean really enjoyed!  We  picked and replaced and picked and replaced every apple over and over, placing each one in a bushel.  Charlie is into repetition right now...

 You can even pat the cows at the fair!  What this photo doesn't show is when the cow shifted her weight practically rolling over on Charlie.  Phew!
Next we were off to a Tae Kwon Do demo on a side stage.  They were blasting Kung FU fighting from the speakers and Will and this other little guy just proceeded to tear things up at the side of the stage.  You both were dancing/Kung Fuing like madmen.  Daddy and I were laughing so hard!  It was amazing!

 Look at Will go!  It was only last summer that you were so hesitant to go on the rides by yourself!  What a difference a year makes!  Charlie is so lucky that he will have a big brother like you to teach him the ropes!

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