Monday, September 16, 2013

Just a little Charlie story

Charlie, you are changing every day lately.  Your words and understanding are coming along in leaps and bounds.  You turned 15 months old last week and I'm really remembering this time with Will and treasuring it for how special it is.  Just yesterday Ba for bunny turned into Bunny.  You are understanding everything we say to you as well.  The other day I asked you to pick up teddy and bring it to Will and you did just that.  I was amazed!  I will never underestimate what you can comprehend again, I am going to speak to you in true, full sentences because I believe you can grasp it!
You have yet to say Mama but can point to me and point to me in a photo.  You know exactly who each of us are in the family.  You are crazy for dogs lately, just like Will and if I say the word you make a guttural growling noise.  Of course, I gasp and act scared and you just laugh and laugh!
Lately when I come home from work you come running to the gate and I scoop you up and ask for a kiss.  You lean in and let me kiss you, you know exactly what I'm saying.  
Your favourite bunny is from Chapters and we went there yesterday, just you and I, and you spotted an entire shelf of your special stuffy and just went crazy!  I was ok with it of course, and those stuffies sure got a lot of hugs :)
Tonight Daddy tucked you in and he told me a funny story.  You had rolled onto your tummy as usual and we tend to rub your bum until you drift off or pretty close.  He said that you grabbed his hand and pushed it gently away as in "I'm good."  Daddy left and you didn't make a sound, haha!
You are an excellent sleeper except for a couple of nights this past month where you have woken and are cranky.  The vast majority of the time you sleep right through for twelve hours.  Because you're teething right now we are attentive to you and we do sometimes give you Tylenol if we think you might be sore.  In other news thank goodness your 82 finally arrived (3 months past due??).  Mommy was losing serious sleep over that one.
You are such a sweet little guy and I am looking forward to continuing our Wednesdays together.  Mommy put those aside just for us.  I am wanting to have some one on one time just you and I.  This Wednesday I think we'll visit Tiger Lily Farm in Errington and see what they have to offer.  You get such a kick out of dogs lately, I can't imagine the enthusiasm goats and chickens will get!  If it's fun we can make it a tradition.
The other Charlieism you're up to lately is saying Ka for car whenever one passes.  That's fun as we're leaving Nanoose, your little voice coming out of the backseat every 30 seconds or so.  But when we hit the hwy it gets crazy!  Ka, ka, ka!  You get the picture...
You're also big on No right now.  Charlie, it's time for bed.  No.  You get the context right and all.
It's the funniest little breathy No too.  We just have to get it on video.  Will do asap.
Oh and you're doing somersaults now!  Well, sort of.  You tend to bend over and put your head on the ground, sort of downward dog.  Then you need our help to push you the rest of the way over, but it's an honest start.  Will have to get that on video too! 
Well that's about it for the Charlie update.  So much changing so quickly I wonder what new and amazing thing you'll do tomorrow!  Love you! X

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