Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July at the Cottage

We are finally up at the cottage to enjoy some fun in the sun!  It seemed like forever while we were doing the renovations and then it seemed like the weather just wouldn't co-operate and then just like that it was HOT!
We have been spending every weekend at the cottage these days and every weekend we have a different family up to keep us company.  Mommy and Daddy have long weekends every weekend in July and in August we're in Mondays to Wednesdays, and that means four full days of cottage fun every week!
Charlie, you're still a lot challenging at the beach these days.  I can't put you on the dock because your little feet scrape and get slivers, and I can't put you on the sand because you eat it by the fistful.  You don't sleep as well at the cottage and I am forever in fear of someone leaving the gate open at the top of the death stairs....Needless to say we are busy with you at the cottage right now and are looking forward to next summer with you.  Having said that you have taken to the water like a fish, just like Will.  You love to be dunked in the lake and I swish your feet through the water to your glee.
You love to be held on your stomach in the water and pump your feet trying to swim!  Adorable!

We had the Bellamys and the Sansalones up one of the first weekends and Will, Emma and Natasha went tubing.  Aaron was supervising and did a great job of keeping the kids in the tube.
Uncle Lucien and Will having a water gun fight:


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