Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Moulin Roty

Will wasn't the only little boy spoiled this year.  Grandma found this precious ride-on airplane for Charlie at a baby store in Oakville and we just love it.  
Charlie was too unsteady to use it right away but he will learn to do it shortly I'm sure.  It is so gorgeous and we managed to fit it into our suitcase and get it home unharmed.  Phew!

Little Sophia spent Christmas Day with us opening presents and staying for dinner with her mom and Al.  She was really interested in Charlie and spent lots of time with him.  Will was so possessive of his little brother, interjecting whenever possible.  Such a cute and protective little boy.
Charlie sure is lucky to have such a great big brother to watch out for him.  He loves his little guy so much!

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