Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pottery Class

 After your Henri Matisse class had ended we discussed signing you up for another class in the future.  You requested a pottery class, saying that you really liked playing with the clay at school on occasion.  At first, I didn't know what you meant since you kept saying "play" as in I'd like to do a play class.  But I finally figured it out by how you described it!  I found a drop-in opportunity at the Bowen Complex on Sundays and we dropped in.  The room was full of pottery makers that took things very seriously so we were slightly out of place, but we had fun on our own!

 Mommy bought a 40lb bag of clay (the minimum) which I could barely carry to the car, and we used some of it sculpting, kneading and forming different shaped together.  You especially liked using the "slip" and applying it none-too-sparingly with a paint brush!

A masterpiece!

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