Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Christmas Morning 2012

 Will is still too young to do the stay-up-all-night, wait-for-Santa, listen-for-reindeer-hooves-on-the-roof thing.  He had a full twelve hours of sleep on Christmas Eve and slept in so late we adults were getting antsy!  We probably won't have many more years of that so we knew to enjoy it while it lasted.  Soon enough we'll be up at 5am!
When he did wake up it was like a flurry of present opening with him ripping open one box and moving on to the next immediately.  There were unopened toys aplenty that didn't even get any play for a while...there were too many!
Grandma and Papa and your Great-Grandparents went nuts with the gifts, not to mention the big man himself!  There were so many gifts we didn't know what to do with them and you didn't know what to play with first!  Guess you were a very good boy this year :)

Even Daddy got a fun gift of an old rotary dial phone handle called a "Pop Phone."  Haha!

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