Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Otters Swim Lessons

 Well we know that you love the water so Daddy and I are keen on making you the best swimmer possible.  You are going to be surrounded by water your whole life so we want to get an early start.  
You love going to the Beban Pool and you are great in your lessons.  This series of lessons is different in that you are on your own in the water with the teacher and other children.  All four of us were there so Mommy, Daddy and Charlie cheered you on from the sidelines.
Right now you are a little apprehensive about putting your face in the water.  This is so surprising to us since you are so confident in the water!  You don't even hesitate when jumping into the lake or pool.  But I suppose it is a new environment and it makes you nervous. 
Wesley, your teacher, said that you need to practice blowing your bubbles.
We practiced all week in the tub at bath time and you protested and protested and told me you were scared so we dropped it.  Then during class....you did it no problem!  Mommy and Daddy learned a lesson from this ;)
You were so proud of yourself in class you hollered across the pool "Mommy!!  I put my face in the water!!"  HAHAHAHA!
I gave you the thumbs up and you got back to your lesson!

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