Sunday, April 8, 2012

Your love of gum

Daddy and Grandma are big gum chewers so you have inherited a love of that from them. You used to ask "what is in your mouth Grandma?" and make her open wide so you could see and then you started asking for your own. We eventually gave in and you did pretty well with it although you swallowed at least one piece that we know of...
Now that you've got the hang of it you love it and never swallow it. When the taste runs out you tell us and we throw it out. You are very particular about having us hold the case for you and choosing the piece you would like. You go between the pink gum (bubblegum) and the green gum (mint) lately, and you like to come to us and blow your breath in our faces so we can smell it too, haha! I have to say, it's not my favourite habit of yours, but it is sugar-free and can have a degree of anti-cariogenic benefit so I'm going with that...

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