Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt!

On Easter Sunday we went to the Riptide Lagoon in Parksville for their annual Easter Egg hunt. We gave you lots of pep talks on the way there about how to get an edge on the other kids (hehe). You were in the 0-3 age group so were amongst the oldest in your group. Once they made the announcement we went into our 0-3 designated area and went to work! You were good right out of the gate but unfortunately you become so distracted by having small blades of grass on your chocolate eggs and trying to wipe them off that we lost some valuable time with that.
We assured you that we would deal with cleaning them off later and you moved on pretty well from that. You got the hang of things pretty quickly and soon enough you had quite a number of eggs in your bunny basket!

Nice scouting Will!

Got one!

After the hunt we all went out for Easter brunch at Tigh Na Mara and had a feast! The Easter Bunny even stopped by to say hi!

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