Monday, April 16, 2012

Nighttime chats

I just had to relate this story before I forget.

I was just tucking you in and holding your hand against my belly because Charlie was kicking. You and I could feel the kicks and punches and were giggling about it.

Out of the blue you said "I wish you didn't have a baby in your tummy." I asked why and you replied "Because then you could ride on the plasma car with me."

I guess you are really wanting to do that again and I just don't fit :(

But I will again soon! I explained that after the baby is born I will be back to my regular self again and that we are going to have so much fun this summer. I told you that Mommy isn't going to go to work again for a very long time and that I am going to do EVERYTHING with you very soon. You were very happy about that!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Another Easter Egg Hunt!

It seems that while we were out at brunch the Easter Bunny snuck away and got to the house before we got home! He hid so many more chocolate eggs and bunnies outside the house for you to collect! That Easter Bunny if all right by you!

Such fun!

Easter Egg Hunt!

On Easter Sunday we went to the Riptide Lagoon in Parksville for their annual Easter Egg hunt. We gave you lots of pep talks on the way there about how to get an edge on the other kids (hehe). You were in the 0-3 age group so were amongst the oldest in your group. Once they made the announcement we went into our 0-3 designated area and went to work! You were good right out of the gate but unfortunately you become so distracted by having small blades of grass on your chocolate eggs and trying to wipe them off that we lost some valuable time with that.
We assured you that we would deal with cleaning them off later and you moved on pretty well from that. You got the hang of things pretty quickly and soon enough you had quite a number of eggs in your bunny basket!

Nice scouting Will!

Got one!

After the hunt we all went out for Easter brunch at Tigh Na Mara and had a feast! The Easter Bunny even stopped by to say hi!

Your new Sadie car!

You are crazy about Daddy's "Sadie" car so when Great-Grandma saw that Toys-R-Us came out with a Sadie truck she got it for you!
You love it and spent the day riding around in it with your friends at your birthday party.

Daddy had assembled the Sadie car in the morning of your party and parked it outside on the driveway. We waited until you had spotted it and sure enough you did quite quickly and yelled to us "There's a Sadie care outside! A Sadie car!"
It was so cute!

You and Finn riding around together!

Your first birthday smash cake

We had frozen your smash cake from your first birthday party with the cowboy theme. It made it through a move, we couldn't bear to thrown it away. We thawed it out and you ate a chunk of it on your third birthday. You said it was yummy of course!

It's probably becoming pretty obvious that the movie Cars has had a very big influence on you. You live and die by Lightening McQueen and Mater and regularly say "Kachow" in everyday speech....
Needless to say this cake was a big success with you:

It was pretty tasty too!
It's funny, you are really interested in having us hand feed you from a fork at dinner, but with dessert you have no trouble feeding yourself!

Your 3rd Birthday with family

On your birthday Mommy and Daddy woke you up and sang Happy Birthday to you first thing. We got it on video and it is very sweet so we'll have to watch that again :)
It was a Thursday, a school day for you and we let you wear your special 3rd Birthday shirt for the day. It has "THREE" on the front and WILL on the back, it is perfect.
Everyone at school sang happy birthday to the birthday boy!

When Mommy and Daddy got home from work we started to open your gifts. It went on and on and dinner was a non-event for you tonight :) Too much excitement.
Grandma and Great-Grandma also got Mommy a very gorgeous bouquet of flowers which they had to give to me in our tradition. They are such a nice token to say thank you for making the most perfect boy there could be.

One of the best presents (according to you) was a Lightening McQueen race track and we spent quite a while playing with it. I'm not sure how you came to be naked for this but it probably had to do with being in transition for bathtime.


Too many presents to count!

At the park with Great-Grandma

In keeping with tradition Great-Grandma came to celebrate your birthday again this year. Lucky boy, you have been doing all sorts of fun things during the days as the weather starts to get warmer.

The Rathtrevor Beach Park in Parksville is such a fun place with so many things for you to play on. I'm sure this summer we will be there often to enjoy the waterpark again this year :)

So much fun!

Fisheye Photography Shoot

The three of us went to see Martine again for a family photo shoot recently since it had been a while. She does such nice work!
I also thought it was time we got some preggo pictures of Mommy. I think they turned out really well, the ones with you were quite sweet.

Looking back, at 27 weeks or so I wasn't that big yet, but at the time I thought I wouldn't get much bigger. Boy was I wrong! I've done some growing since!

So sweet:

Will and Mommy having a little chat:

Just fixing Mommy's hair:

Our new edition!

Last week we went to do our 3D ultrasound and meet our littlest one. It was such a fun experience and this time the little guy co-operated fully!
We got some great shots and Mommy got a great reminder of what there is to look forward to in the coming months!
We can't wait to meet you!
Grandma, Great-Grandma. Daddy, Mommy and Will were all present (although Will was more interested in playing with the blocks). It was so nice to have everyone there to experience this first clear look at baby. What a gorgeous shot!
I may be reaching but I think I see a likeness to Will here...

Your love of gum

Daddy and Grandma are big gum chewers so you have inherited a love of that from them. You used to ask "what is in your mouth Grandma?" and make her open wide so you could see and then you started asking for your own. We eventually gave in and you did pretty well with it although you swallowed at least one piece that we know of...
Now that you've got the hang of it you love it and never swallow it. When the taste runs out you tell us and we throw it out. You are very particular about having us hold the case for you and choosing the piece you would like. You go between the pink gum (bubblegum) and the green gum (mint) lately, and you like to come to us and blow your breath in our faces so we can smell it too, haha! I have to say, it's not my favourite habit of yours, but it is sugar-free and can have a degree of anti-cariogenic benefit so I'm going with that...

A trip to the Science Centre!

Mid-March Mommy, Daddy and Grandma took you to Vancouver for the weekend so you could go to the Science Centre for the first time. There was a dinosaur exhibit and a Lego exhibit and Daddy said you love, love, loved it! I guess we'll have to go back!

You met up with the Coopers and was timid at first but you were soon so excited and was running everywhere and discovering all the new things to play with. The wheel which turns the propeller above was a real hit. You loved the science experiments and the dinosaurs too.