Monday, August 29, 2011


This year the VIEX was a disaster! Last year you rode on the merry go round with Mommy just fine so we were quite surprised when you were really scared of the rides!
At first you were really eager to try the rides but this year I wasn't allowed to ride with you. You would get onto a ride and as soon as it started you would start wailing so they had to take you off! Of course as soon as you stopped crying you would insist on going on this or that ride again and the same thing would happen again!
We even tried putting you on with a bigger kid, nothing worked.
You would get past the gate and then would refuse to let go of my hand saying on the verge of tears "Mommy come too?" When I would explain "No mommy has to stay here but I will be right here and I'll wave to you!" you made it onto the ride once and waved once and then bawled and the next time wouldn't even let go of my hand. It was heartbreaking so we gave it up.

This motionless tractor was much more to your liking so we hung out here:

Daddy managed to snap a quick picture of you before this ride started up:

Much happier with a big lemonade! Oh well, we'll try again next year!

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