Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family time in Cabo

We had booked off the first week of August to do a family trip this year. Originally I had booked a week's trip to Oregon to stay in a quaint hotel right on Cannon Beach. We have never been south of Seattle so it seemed like time. But as we got closer to the time and looked at the weather forecast we changed our minds! It would be rainy and in the low 60s for the week and there was no way we were going to spend our precious week in that weather! So we booked a trip to Cabo and there we were in the place where Daddy and I got married over 6 years ago, how sentimental!

There was a photographer at the hotel (the Royal Solaris) where we stayed so we decided to give her a try. I think they worked out really well.
They remind me of our wedding pictures which is that much more special :)

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