Monday, August 29, 2011

Tractor cake!

A couple of weeks ago you stumbled on my cookbook for kids' cakes and you spotted the dinosaur cake I had made you for your 2nd birthday. You insisted we make another dinosaur cake but I managed to persuade you to try something new this time.
You chose the tractor (big surprise) and mommy went out to get the ingredients for our Saturday project.

First, we (I) baked the cake and cut out the shapes and put it together and then we (I) iced it in bright green.
But we (I) had some technical difficulties when I was too eager and made the rookie mistake of icing while the cake was still warm. That's why the cake ended up looking like this:

But we still had fun!

We ate some of the cake that night and I told you you could have more tomorrow as you went to bed. You don't miss a beat and the first thing you said the next morning was "tractor cake?"

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