Monday, August 29, 2011

A bbq with friends!

Mommy and Daddy had our friends Kimi and Lucien and John and Allison over this weekend for a bbq so you got to hang out with your buds Emma, Claire, Warren and Veronica. This may have been the only 30 seconds that you actually sat at your chair but I managed to catch it on film!
Being uninterested in food you tend to wander away after a few measly bites. Somehow you keep thriving though!

Great Grandma visits!

Great Grandma came to visit us for two weeks this summer! You two had lots of fun during the days, you played outside, made drawings and did some baking! You love Pollachinta! (Not sure how to spell this properly!)

She was oh so happy to have made the visit and especially happy to see you.

Petting Zoo at Beacon Hill Park

This is becoming a tradition for us, and you love it every year, so why not? You liked all of the animals this year but Peanut Butter, the miniature horse, was the highlight for you this time :)

Brushing the goats so gently.

More Yard Work

You want to do everything you see us doing, including the less glamourous jobs! So this does include yard work and in a few years we may give this resposibility to you entirely!

You are also very interested in Daddy's weedwhacker. You will say "Wiw do weed whacking?"
We say no that's an adult tool etc, whining and crying ensues...


This year the VIEX was a disaster! Last year you rode on the merry go round with Mommy just fine so we were quite surprised when you were really scared of the rides!
At first you were really eager to try the rides but this year I wasn't allowed to ride with you. You would get onto a ride and as soon as it started you would start wailing so they had to take you off! Of course as soon as you stopped crying you would insist on going on this or that ride again and the same thing would happen again!
We even tried putting you on with a bigger kid, nothing worked.
You would get past the gate and then would refuse to let go of my hand saying on the verge of tears "Mommy come too?" When I would explain "No mommy has to stay here but I will be right here and I'll wave to you!" you made it onto the ride once and waved once and then bawled and the next time wouldn't even let go of my hand. It was heartbreaking so we gave it up.

This motionless tractor was much more to your liking so we hung out here:

Daddy managed to snap a quick picture of you before this ride started up:

Much happier with a big lemonade! Oh well, we'll try again next year!

Bambi name

I just wanted to make a quick entry dedicated to a funny thing you say so that we'll never forget it!
We have been teaching you lately that Mommy and Daddy have real names like other people so the other day in the car we heard you say from the back seat:
"Mommy name: Abecca. Daddy name: Aaron. A bambi name: BAMBI."

Robo Will

This was just too funny not to post! Daddy bought this robot hat with the intention of wearing it at Hallowe'en since we always make fun of him for being half robot.
You seem to be quite emotional however so I'm not worried about you being a robo human...

Kids Day at Rathtrevor Beach

Daddy took you to Kids Day at Rathtrevor Beach last weekend, and from the looks of it you guys had fun! You even met up with Finn, new baby Tavish and Emma and Claire!

You two even got going on the teeter totter and rode in the helicopter together.

And a ride in the old fire truck! What a day!

Tractor cake!

A couple of weeks ago you stumbled on my cookbook for kids' cakes and you spotted the dinosaur cake I had made you for your 2nd birthday. You insisted we make another dinosaur cake but I managed to persuade you to try something new this time.
You chose the tractor (big surprise) and mommy went out to get the ingredients for our Saturday project.

First, we (I) baked the cake and cut out the shapes and put it together and then we (I) iced it in bright green.
But we (I) had some technical difficulties when I was too eager and made the rookie mistake of icing while the cake was still warm. That's why the cake ended up looking like this:

But we still had fun!

We ate some of the cake that night and I told you you could have more tomorrow as you went to bed. You don't miss a beat and the first thing you said the next morning was "tractor cake?"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Pool

We bought this little ball for you at the Mega and it was worth every cent. It entertained you fully for the first day and then it deflated into what you see here. You were just as into it after ishrunk though, you like to practice playing catch. You say "Han out!" in your sing-songy way and I put my hands out and you throw it (way off) and I try to catch it. You have been getting better at catching the ball yourself lately.

In the kiddie wading pool:

Will and Mommy on the beach

We had so much fun playing out there. We found that the beach captivated your attention much more than the pool did. I guess because there was so much more action there.

The waves were always pummeling us and we watched other people in them getting bowled over by them over and over! It was funny to watch!

We also made "sandballs" and threw them together. Most of them fell apart in mid-air, but it was still fun.


Denise recommended this restuarant Guacamayas to us and we went to try some local food. We weren't disappointed!
We had some pork tacos, sauteed green onions, chillingas (fried tacos) and enchiladas. It was to die for!
It was so good we went back later in the week for a second time.
Just look at your goofy smiley face!
Playing iPhone games and "shtirring."

Back at the resort after dinner:

Trips to the Mega

The Mega is a huge store ubiquitous in Mexico that's pretty much like Walmart. But there is one thing that the Mega has that Walmart doesn't: guacamole. It is the best guac we've ever had and it is worth the trip to Mexico alone!
Needless to say we made the short trip to the Mega down the street and acquired a huge tub of the stuff which we devoured in our room throughout the course of the week.

Buffet dessert!

Oddly enough, we have a really hard time getting food into you in general but every meal time dessert goes down like a charm! How strange!
These chocolate tarts were a real hit.

Sand Castles

We brough some huge sand toys for you to play with in our suitcases and we had lots of fun with them out on the beach. Daddy perfected the "packing" and best sand consistency to get the best result. Daddy built a mega city and you would topple it with your shovel. That was pretty much how it went. Poor Daddy!


Every night there was entertainment in the lobby of the Solaris, which mostly involved a small band with a singer and lots of children "danching" on the floor. I don't know how this made the band feel but it was fun for the guests to watch!
It quickly became one of your favourite things to do and even at dinner you started requesting going to the lobby for danching. Mommy and Daddy (yes Daddy too!) would take turns going out there with you, but you were ok with holding your own also!

So tired!

Needless to say you were bagged at night! We wore you out! This may be one of the only times you ever fell asleep easily.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chileno Bay

We wanted to take you to a swimmable beach in Cabo so we signed up for a beach day with a local company.
We ended up here in Chileno Bay where, unbeknownst to us, Daddy and I had some wedding pictures taken...we were feeling very sentimental about it. The last time we were here Mommy was in her wedding dress and now we were here with you six years later!
There was a grove of palm trees a little higher than the beach and they were still there, but looking a little thinner. We remember it like it was yesterday.

Our guide, Denise, took you out on the boogie board and you just loved it (and her). You had a blast, you may be a little surfer in the making!
Floating around with Mommy:

You were looking for rocks and saying "Pretty one Mommy."

Look at you go!

Winnie the Pooh drinks

One of our waiter's recommended a drink called the Winnie the Pooh and you were a big fan. It was a slushy drink and you asked for them a lot on the rest of the trip (you're so smart).
Daddy was much more manly bellying up to the bar and ordering his pina coladas...