Monday, July 12, 2010


Well the hot hot weather kicked in last week so your grandma and I took you to the waterpark in Departure Bay for the first time. You loved it! I just love the excited look on your face in these pictures and can hear the squeals of glee that go along with it!
Too much fun for all of us!

This clown was the first little water spouting creature as we walked in so I tried to tell you to pace yourself, there was so much more to see! You were fixated on the clown for quite a while though!

This was such a fun thing to do, we will have to go regularly now that we know about it! Later on in the weekend your daddy and I took you to the waterpark in Harewood. You really liked it there too, but I think this one in Departure Bay is our favourite so far. There is another on Haliburton downtown that is new and supposed to be great. We'll have to try that one next! As long as the weather holds out...

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