Monday, July 26, 2010

Sand Castles in Parksville!

This weekend we went to see the sandcastles on the beach in Parksville. The Canadian Open Sand Sculpting Competition and Exhibition is there every year and they were a sight to behold! The first place prize was enormous and quite beautiful.

Unfortunately, you were more interested in playing with the sand throughout the exhibit than the sand castles themselves. You kept grabbing handfuls of it and throwing it in the air. You were covered in it and would do nothing but sit on the ground. Eventually I had to pick you up and carry you on which was met by much protest...

First Place!

Then we hit the beach!

You wanted to walk into the water in the worst way. The tide was WAY out and there were only these pools to play in. You walked right into one and sat down in your shorts (we had no change of clothes for you). You were quite happy just doing that and splashing around.

Also, you really liked this rock.

We asked you to show us your shadow...

Some mommy love:

All these rocks are hard to walk on, especially when you're learning!

Then we hit the water park by the beach there. It was a great water park really and you loved these horses!

A great Saturday morning!

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