Monday, July 19, 2010

Birthday Parties Weekend!

Last week we had Emma and her parents over to dinner and a little pre-birthday visit. Emma is turning two this weekend! How time flies.
We had a little cake for her and she got a new hot pink outfit and shoes that your daddy picked (really). She loved the shoes so much she wore them for the rest of the night and Kimi told me the next morning she woke up and said "Pretty shoes on?" Good pick daddy!
On Saturday we drove down to the Malahat and went to Jai's 1st birthday party.

We played in the backyard for a while and then you slept through the clown, the cake and the pinata! I'm sure you would have loved it, haha! You slept like a champ as you always do and we were left wondering when other children nap??? We are really strict about giving you your time to sleep. We know how important it is and you need it or you are grumpy!!

On Sunday Emma had her party at the waterpark in Departure Bay, our favourite! Lucien and Kimi did it up in grand style and brought such a spread. When you weren't frolicking in the park you were eating watermelon by the truckload. You also enjoyed putting cream on your boo-boo. About 30 seconds after we took this photo you stood up and grabbed Natasha's cupcake with your whole fist and proceeded to eat it in front of her. Don't worry, she was a good sport about it. But we have got to work on those manners!

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