Monday, July 26, 2010

The Beach at Neck Point

I've been thinking about setting up another photo shoot for you lately. Something summery and beachy since the weather has been so nice. I think we will book something soon, but this weekend I decided just to grab our camera, get you looking photo shoot ready and head out ourselves. So Grandma and I took you out to Neck Point in your finest beach wear and snapped some photos. These are what we got. I think they're great (for a rookie), and you make a gorgeous model ;)

Who knew a rock could bring so much joy?!

Sand Castles in Parksville!

This weekend we went to see the sandcastles on the beach in Parksville. The Canadian Open Sand Sculpting Competition and Exhibition is there every year and they were a sight to behold! The first place prize was enormous and quite beautiful.

Unfortunately, you were more interested in playing with the sand throughout the exhibit than the sand castles themselves. You kept grabbing handfuls of it and throwing it in the air. You were covered in it and would do nothing but sit on the ground. Eventually I had to pick you up and carry you on which was met by much protest...

First Place!

Then we hit the beach!

You wanted to walk into the water in the worst way. The tide was WAY out and there were only these pools to play in. You walked right into one and sat down in your shorts (we had no change of clothes for you). You were quite happy just doing that and splashing around.

Also, you really liked this rock.

We asked you to show us your shadow...

Some mommy love:

All these rocks are hard to walk on, especially when you're learning!

Then we hit the water park by the beach there. It was a great water park really and you loved these horses!

A great Saturday morning!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Birthday Parties Weekend!

Last week we had Emma and her parents over to dinner and a little pre-birthday visit. Emma is turning two this weekend! How time flies.
We had a little cake for her and she got a new hot pink outfit and shoes that your daddy picked (really). She loved the shoes so much she wore them for the rest of the night and Kimi told me the next morning she woke up and said "Pretty shoes on?" Good pick daddy!
On Saturday we drove down to the Malahat and went to Jai's 1st birthday party.

We played in the backyard for a while and then you slept through the clown, the cake and the pinata! I'm sure you would have loved it, haha! You slept like a champ as you always do and we were left wondering when other children nap??? We are really strict about giving you your time to sleep. We know how important it is and you need it or you are grumpy!!

On Sunday Emma had her party at the waterpark in Departure Bay, our favourite! Lucien and Kimi did it up in grand style and brought such a spread. When you weren't frolicking in the park you were eating watermelon by the truckload. You also enjoyed putting cream on your boo-boo. About 30 seconds after we took this photo you stood up and grabbed Natasha's cupcake with your whole fist and proceeded to eat it in front of her. Don't worry, she was a good sport about it. But we have got to work on those manners!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Well the hot hot weather kicked in last week so your grandma and I took you to the waterpark in Departure Bay for the first time. You loved it! I just love the excited look on your face in these pictures and can hear the squeals of glee that go along with it!
Too much fun for all of us!

This clown was the first little water spouting creature as we walked in so I tried to tell you to pace yourself, there was so much more to see! You were fixated on the clown for quite a while though!

This was such a fun thing to do, we will have to go regularly now that we know about it! Later on in the weekend your daddy and I took you to the waterpark in Harewood. You really liked it there too, but I think this one in Departure Bay is our favourite so far. There is another on Haliburton downtown that is new and supposed to be great. We'll have to try that one next! As long as the weather holds out...


Ok so not sure where you get this from, because it isn't from myself or your father, but you love broccoli! It is one of the things you are guaranteed to eat. We just lightly steam it and you cram it into your mouth handful after handful! It baffles us. Watching you eat it is funny because it's actually quite messy and little florets end up everywhere, but you do eat the bulk of it. Jeez. Maybe we should try brussels sprouts...

Will's 2nd Haircut

We took you for your SECOND haircut last week. We just can't keep up with your hair! We took you to Beaners at the Country Club mall both times, and I must say you did better the first time! This time you were not impressed!
You sat in the same pink and purple Barbie jeep since it is the only "chair" you can sit IN.
Maybe that was the problem?? Not sure!
Oh no! Love the look on your stylist's face, hehe.


Oh a soo-soo makes everything (a little) better. Poor baby!

Monday, July 5, 2010

You and Roxy

We have this little stone dog, Roxy, at our front door. She was on sale at Chintz and Co because one of her little ears was chipped (poor Roxy). Mommy bought her right away, she thought her little imperfection endearing.
You quite like Roxy too. You wave at her and even pat her so nicely. If the mood strikes you you'll even give her a kiss...

Playing in your pool!

Daddy and I just knew that the weather was going to be great this weekend so we went out and got you a pool last week. This Saturday was the perfect day to use it-it was HOT! You loved it! And we loved watching you in it! We filled part of it up with water from the hose and added some warm water from the sink it with a bucket.
You had so much fun and wore your hat the whole time. It looked like so much fun Mommy got in with you! We brought you your bath toys and you played with those too.
Nothing sustains your attention too much tried to climb out after long. So we washed you off and you were onto the next thing!