Saturday, February 4, 2017

Comox Winter Fun Fest

 Last week I saw that Comox was having a winder fun fest downtown with a skating rink, outdoor movies, marshmallows etc.  Since you are both in ski lessons I called and booked a hotel in Comox for us for both weekend nights so we could do it all.  We stayed at the Holiday Inn which has a pool, hot tub and water slide so the first night when we arrived we went down to the pool to enjoy.  Unfortunately I only brought my boots and ski boots so this was my pool attire.
There was also a hockey team staying at the hotel, maybe 8 or 9 year olds so the pool area was a zoo!

On the Saturday we hit the slopes as a family but it was soooo foggy out I could barely see my hand in front of my face.  So after a tough morning at the mountain we hit the hot tub again and then went skating:

 That night was the BFG outdoors and bed!
The next day the visibility was a little better, but not much!

 Char you are so little and this is all new to you but you are such a trouper!
You never complain and you just keep on keepin on!

 While you boys were in lessons Mom and Dad got in a few runs on our own.

 A little ski, some ketchup chips and a nap.  Charlie is living the good life!

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