Saturday, February 4, 2017

Back in Canada

 When we got home there was a sweet gift from Sophie on our doorstep.  We have been trying her out as a babysitter lately and it seems that she loves you both as much as you love her!  You have even asked us when we're planning on going out offense taken.

We also got these in the mail from the Chuk family when we got home.  Dad wasn't too stoked about it but I sure thought it was sweet.

 Charlie you have been so into Lego lately.  I often take pictures of your newest creation and send it to Grandma and she freaks out and says how much she loves them and you love that!
Great creation Char!
(It's a boat)

 We all sat down one Saturday to put this dino puzzle together and the three of us ended up wandering away but Dad was engrossed in it for hours.  If only all of my boys could play so quietly and independently...

 Dad got me a pair of spool chairs for the living room for Christmas and they arrived last week, better late than never.  You two had a blast with the boxes they came in and I even agreed to let you sleep in one together.  Of course, I ended up having to separate you hours after bed time but I tried...

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