Saturday, February 4, 2017

Goats, Drums and Parties

 Your classmate Carson lives on a farm and brought in two baby goats, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker.  I think you said one pooped on your arm but it was just a little poop...

Last fall you asked if you could take drum lessons. I wanted you to choose between drums and piano but you simply wouldn't give up piano so we signed you up for both.  This is you jamming with your drum teacher, Fred:

 More skiing!

 Leanne and I threw Izabel a shower last night and it was very sweet.  I think she was grateful and very flattered.  We wanted to do it since she is quite new to town and so very sweet.  The baby is due in nine weeks!  Exciting!

Birthday Parties

 Charlie was invited to Ruby's birthday party at JJs (where else) since she turned four recently.  She is in JK3 but wanted you there.  You had a total blast running around for a few hours and we gave Ruby a puzzle.  But my favourite thing was the card you made that morning for Ruby.  Look at the picture you drew!  And Dad spelled out the words for you but you sure wrote them.  Way to go Char!
 Later, we went over to Victor's house to celebrate his 4th birthday too!  He is such a doll, I just love him.  He is still so sweet and innocent and smiles the most heart-felt smile about everything.  He just makes my heart melt.  Happy Birthday little guy!

Comox Winter Fun Fest

 Last week I saw that Comox was having a winder fun fest downtown with a skating rink, outdoor movies, marshmallows etc.  Since you are both in ski lessons I called and booked a hotel in Comox for us for both weekend nights so we could do it all.  We stayed at the Holiday Inn which has a pool, hot tub and water slide so the first night when we arrived we went down to the pool to enjoy.  Unfortunately I only brought my boots and ski boots so this was my pool attire.
There was also a hockey team staying at the hotel, maybe 8 or 9 year olds so the pool area was a zoo!

On the Saturday we hit the slopes as a family but it was soooo foggy out I could barely see my hand in front of my face.  So after a tough morning at the mountain we hit the hot tub again and then went skating:

 That night was the BFG outdoors and bed!
The next day the visibility was a little better, but not much!

 Char you are so little and this is all new to you but you are such a trouper!
You never complain and you just keep on keepin on!

 While you boys were in lessons Mom and Dad got in a few runs on our own.

 A little ski, some ketchup chips and a nap.  Charlie is living the good life!

Some things from January

 Will has soccer practice on Tuesday nights at Seaview.  Sometimes we make it and sometimes we don't, it makes for a very late night.  These are your buds from the team, Matthew and Duncan.

We had the Hilcheys over for a long overdue dinner.

 Will we worked on your first project this month.  A real report that we has to research and everything about how people from around the world get water.  Bottom line- we're living the good life.
Nice report cover!

Mary Neni

 We received some sad news last week.  Mary Neni died.  She was such a big part of my childhood and the news hit me like a ton of bricks.  I knew that she was in a home and that her health was deteriorating but I wasn't prepared to hear the worst.  Grandma sent beautiful flowers from me to the service and said that my name was mentioned at the funeral.
Very sad for me since I have so many memories of her and she was so loving and supportive of me all my life.
Rest in Peace Mary Neni.

Back in Canada

 When we got home there was a sweet gift from Sophie on our doorstep.  We have been trying her out as a babysitter lately and it seems that she loves you both as much as you love her!  You have even asked us when we're planning on going out offense taken.

We also got these in the mail from the Chuk family when we got home.  Dad wasn't too stoked about it but I sure thought it was sweet.

 Charlie you have been so into Lego lately.  I often take pictures of your newest creation and send it to Grandma and she freaks out and says how much she loves them and you love that!
Great creation Char!
(It's a boat)

 We all sat down one Saturday to put this dino puzzle together and the three of us ended up wandering away but Dad was engrossed in it for hours.  If only all of my boys could play so quietly and independently...

 Dad got me a pair of spool chairs for the living room for Christmas and they arrived last week, better late than never.  You two had a blast with the boxes they came in and I even agreed to let you sleep in one together.  Of course, I ended up having to separate you hours after bed time but I tried...