Monday, November 25, 2013

Mommy and Daddy go to Seattle!

 The weekedn after my Birthday Daddy and I headed off to Seattle for a four day long weekend and left you both with Grandma and Papa.  Thanks all!
We needed a little R and R and we sure did have fun!
We stayed at the Inn at the Market and absolutely fell in love with that boutique hotel.  The location is amazing and we could just walk down to the market or to La Panier for a croissant and cafe latte in the morning, it was divine.
On our first night we walked down to Elliott's Oyster House by the water and ate ourselves full of seafood!
 On the second night we had amazing Korean BBQ at Chan and then headed out to Cowgirls and watched the hilarity of people riding the mechanical bull all night, haha!
 We also took an underground tour of the city as it was before the big fire of 1889.  So cool!

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