Monday, November 25, 2013

Charlie's Swim Class!

Now that I have Wednesdays to spend with just you I signed us up for some Duck swim classes.  Actually, this is our first of three duck swim classes.  I figure it will be just as fun on the second and third tries and you can't advance until you're two so we're going to do it over and over!
You are just the same as Will.  Put you beside a pool and you will run straight to the water and try to jump right in....
It is so absurd to stand with the other moms and listen to them explain how little Jimmy is having to redo this class because he just can't have any water touch his face.  I have never experienced this type of child!  I am having to time our arrival at the pool just so so that we are not hanging around the deck for too long since the entire time prior to class I spend pulling you back away from the water while you try anything you can to manipulate me into letting you get closer and closer so that you can wriggle into the water.  I'm talking shallow end/deep end, it doesn't matter!
You just love it and I dread the end of class when I have to hail you out of the water to much protest!
Two little water babies you are!

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